Anzac soldiers Remembering F71170 $30.00 Regular Price$24.00Sale PriceRemembering range 100% pure cotton for- Patchwork & QuiltingCheck out the panelThis fabric is priced per metreit can be purchased in .5m lotseg:- .5 x 3 =1.5mts When you purchase more than .5mt the fabric will left in 1 pieceLENGTH OptionSelectQuantityAdd to Cart
Anzac soldiers Remembering F71170 $30.00 Regular Price$24.00Sale PriceRemembering range 100% pure cotton for- Patchwork & QuiltingCheck out the panelThis fabric is priced per metreit can be purchased in .5m lotseg:- .5 x 3 =1.5mts When you purchase more than .5mt the fabric will left in 1 pieceLENGTH OptionSelectQuantityAdd to Cart