Bag Making with Marg
Personalised private class of 2 only
Learn advanced bag making techniques
Monday OR Wednesday 10am-1pm 3 hours x 2 weeks
$150 per person Includes Bag Pattern
NEW - MARCH APRIL CLASS Flip Bag 3hours $50pp
Phone the store to Book & Pay 0755964133
Call in before the class for information what to bring
& choose your Fabrics & Accs
Sewing with Gayle
Personalised lessons of only 2- Beginners welcome
Make a basic skirt, top or shopping bag
Friday OR Saturday- 2 Hours 9.30am-11.30
Block of 2 lessons over 2 weeks for $80 per person
Phone the store to Book 0755964133
Call in before the class for information what to bring
& choose your Fabrics & Accs
Private Lessons for basic sewing or
learn your Janome Machine or Overlocker
with your own machine 1 Hour $70
Please bring your own machine to your lesson
Contact the store to book & pay